History of Israel full politics and war information


History of Israel - Complete history and history of war, politics and war since the formation of the nation of Israel

History of Israel full politics and war information

    History of Israel - Complete history and history of war, politics and war since the formation of the nation of Israel

    independence of israel history


    In May 1948, the establishment of the state of Israel was announced according to the United Nations Partition Resolution (1947). Less than 24 hours later, regular armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invaded the country, and Israel was forced to defend its restored sovereignty (power) in the land of father and ancestors.

    The IDF, which had formed shortly before and lacked military material, bravely confronted the invaders, known as the Freedom Struggle shortly thereafter. 15 months of fierce and sporadic fighting ensued and led to the destruction of over 6,000 Israelis (about 1% of the country's total Jewish population).

    Till Now

    History of Israel During the first months of 1949, direct negotiations took place between Israel and each of the invading countries under the auspices of the United Nations (with the objection of Iraq, which refused to negotiate with Israel).

    Negotiations resulted in pacts of war closure that accurately reflected the status quo at the end of the fighting. By the way, Israel's highest power included the coastal plain, Galilee, and all the Negev's.

    Judea and Samaria (West Bank), came under the rule of Jordan, while the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian administration. Jerusalem was divided, Jordan controlled the eastern part of it, and Israel controlled the western part of the city.

    State Building


    After the war ended, Israel drew attention to its efforts at building the kingdom that the people had long fought for to gain independence. The 120-member First Netset (Parliament) aired its first session after the general elections (January 25, 1949), which was attended by about 85% of eligible voters.

    Among those who led Israel to become an independent state, two people took over the leadership of the country: David Ben-Gurion, who served as chief of the Jewish Agency, was elected the first prime minister; And Ham Weisman, who assumed the title of World Jewish Organization, was elected as the first head of state. On May 11, 1949, Israel took its place in the United Nations as the 59th member of the international body.

    Consistent with the doctrine of "expatriate assembly" rooted in the state's reality, Israel opened its doors widely, thus establishing the right of every Jew to enter the country and obtain Israeli citizenship upon his or her presence.

    History of Israel During the first four months of independence, around 50,000 newcomers arrived in the country, many of whom survived Nazi trouble. By the end of 1951, 8,000 people had arrived in the country, including more than 300,000 refugees from Arab countries, and thus the Jewish population had doubled.

    Given the economic crisis arising out of the freedom struggle and the need to meet the needs of a growing population, it was imperative to follow a policy of rigor at home and obtain financial support from abroad.

    US economic aid, lending provided by American banks, help to migrant Jews, and post-war German reparations were used to build residences, mechanize agriculture, establish a commercial fleet and a national aviation company, exploit the country's inherent minerals. , Was done to promote industries. , Road network and expand communication and power network.

    With the end of the first decade of the state's inception, industrial manufacturing doubled, workforce doubled, and agricultural exports quadrupled. The area of ​​cultivable land expanded considerably and self-sufficiency was achieved in all basic food products except meat and grains. Forests were planted on about 50,000 acres (20,000 hectares) of dry land, and trees were planted along 500 miles (400 km) of the main roads.

    The education system, which had flourished in Jewish society before the establishment of the state, saw a great expansion and included the Arab region. Education became free and necessary for all children between the ages of 5 and 14 (since 1978 it became necessary until the age of 16 and free until the age of 18).

    Cultural and artistic activities flourished while combining Middle Eastern, Western, and North African elements. The Jews from different parts of the world brought different colors of culture and culture to the countries where they lived for many years, along with their traditions. When Israel celebrated its tenth independence anniversary, the population exceeded two million.

    Sinai Campaign (1956)


    However, serious rescue problems cast a shadow over these years of state design. The ceasefire agreements signed in 1948 did not occupy the path of permanent peace but were continually violated. Contrary to a UN Security Council resolution on 1 September 1951, it banned the movement of the Suez Canal from Israel and laid siege to the Strait of Tiran.

    Murder and sabotage campaigns against Israel by intruding terrorist gangs from neighboring Arab countries have increased; The Sinai Peninsula gradually transformed into a major base for the Egyptian armed forces.

    And after the signing of a triple military treaty between Egypt, Syria, and Jordan (October 1956), the threat to the state unit quickly increased. History of Israel During the eight-day movement, the IDF succeeded in capturing the Gaza Strip and the entire Sinai Peninsula, where it halted 10 miles (16 km) east of the Suez Canal.

    Following a decision by the United Nations to require the deployment of an international emergency force along the Egyptian-Israeli borders, and Egypt committed itself to guarantee freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Elliot, Israel agreed to withdraw in phases Done (November 1956 - March 1957) from the territories he had occupied weeks before.

    Are counted. As a result, the Strait of Tiran was reopened and offered a chance to develop trade between Israel and the countries of Asia and Africa and import oil from the Persian Gulf.

    Years of state unification and moat


    History of Israel During the second decade of the state's establishment (1958–1968), the volume of exports doubled, and the total national product increased by about 10% annually. Israel is now locally producing products that it had previously imported such as paper, car tires, radios, and refrigerators. New industrial branches such as metallurgy, machinery, chemicals, and electronics recorded the fastest growth.

    As the local market for food produced in the country is approaching a point of saturation, the agricultural sector has started producing various crops used in the food industry, in addition to fresh products for manufacture. To cope with the increase in the volume of trade exchange, a new deepwater port was built on the Mediterranean coast in Ashdod, in addition to the port of Haifa.

    A durable livable for the Neset was built in Jerusalem, and new buildings for Hadassah Medical Center and Hebrew University were built at alternative locations to replace the original buildings on Mount Scopus, which Israel had to leave after the war was forced.

    Independence. At the same time, the Israel Museum was established to collect and preserve the cultural and artistic treasures of the Jewish people, to research them, and present them to the public.

    The scope of Israel's foreign relations has steadily increased, as strong ties have developed with the United States, the Commonwealth of Nations (Commonwealths) of the British people, as well as Latin America and Africa, as well as many Asian countries.

    Israel took the initiative to conduct intensive courses for international relations, as hundreds of Israeli doctors, engineers, teachers, agricultural engineers, irrigation specialists, and young consultants collaborated with their partners in developing countries to structure joint projects.

    In 1965, ambassadors were exchanged between Israel and the United Republic of Germany. The move was postponed due to bitter memories made by the Jewish people about the crimes committed by the Nazi government against Jews (1933–1945). The normalization of relations between the two countries was preceded by intense debate and violent protests.

    The Eichman Trial


    In May 1970, he brought into the country Adolf Eichman, one of the main masterminds of the Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews during World War II, and subject them to Israeli law regarding the punishment of the Nazis and their allies (punitive) The case went to trial. Code, 1950).

    History of Israel During a trial that began in April 1961, Eichman was convicted of crimes against humanity and the Jewish people and sentenced to death. His appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court, and he was hanged on May 30, 1962. This was the only time when capital punishment was given under Israeli law.

    Six-Day War


    Expectations of peace have faded for another decade with the escalation of terrorist attacks from Egypt and Jordan, frequent Syrian bombings in the villages of northern Galilee, and weapons from neighboring Arab countries. When Egypt returned, it gathered large military forces in the Sinai desert (May 1967) and instructed international peacekeepers (who had been stationed there since 1957) to leave the region, re-block the Strait of Tiran,

    And concluded a military treaty with Jordan, and Israel found itself facing hostile Arab armies on all fronts. While Israel's neighbors were preparing to overthrow the Jewish state, Israel practiced its natural right to self-defense, to the south in Egypt, then to Jordan in the east, and then a retrospective strike with the Syrian (June 5, 1967, Ko). The army marched north into the Golan Heights.

    After six days of fighting, new ceasefire lines were drawn under Israeli control with Judea and Samaria, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan Heights. As a result, the northern villages saw the end of 19 years of continuous artillery bombardment, and freedom of movement from Israel to the Strait of Tiran was guaranteed. The two parts of Jerusalem, a designated city under the rule  of Israel and Jordan since 1949, united and came under Israeli rule.

    From War to War


    With the end of the six-day war, the diplomatic challenge facing Israel was to transform its military successes into a durable peace based on Security Council Suggestion 242, which "identified the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every state, as well as it's political, Was also involved.

    Freedom and not the right and danger to live peacefully within safe and recognized limits. "Or to use force against it." Nevertheless, the Arab position prepared at the Khartoum summit (August 1967) confirmed that "there is no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, and no recognition of Israel."

    "In September 1968, Egypt embarked on a" war of war ", in addition to sporadic military operations along the two sides of the Suez Canal. These actions turned into all-out fighting at the local level, and the two sides suffered heavy losses. In 1970 The hostilities ended when Egypt and Israel agreed to a ceasefire along the Suez Canal.

    Yom Kippur War (October 1973)


    Three years of relative peace on the border ended on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for Jews, when Egypt and Syria launched a surprise and unified offensive against Israel (November 6, 1973). The Egyptian army crossed the Suez Canal and the Syrian army attacked the Golan Heights. During the next three weeks, the IDF reversed the balance of the battle, faced the raiders, crossed the Suez Canal, and proceeded to descend 32 km (20 mi) from Damascus. Two years of difficult negotiations between Israel and Egypt and between Israel and Syria resulted in agreements to separate forces, according to which Israel withdrew from part of its occupied land History of Israel during the war.

    Operation Peace of Galilee (1982)


    The international border between Israel and Lebanon has never been the subject of dispute between the two countries. However, when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) took southern Lebanon as the headquarters of its forces after its evacuation from Jordan (1970), and repeated terrorist attacks against villages and cities in northern Israel (Galilee), Due to many loss of lives and major material damage, the IDF crossed the border and entered Lebanon (1982).

    Operation "Peace of the Galilee" resulted in the removal of a large part of the PLO's organizational and military infrastructure from that region. Since then, for 18 years, Israel has maintained a small security zone in southern Lebanon, bordering its northern border, to ensure the safety of its inhabitants in Galilee in the face of continued attacks by hostile elements.

    Second Lebanon War (2006)


    In May 2000, Israel withdrew all its forces from the security zone in southern Lebanon. However, Lebanon has failed to comply with UN Security Council resolutions 425 and 1559, which calls for the elimination of Hezbollah and the deployment of the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon.

    As a result of this failure, violence erupted in July 2006 after Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers and bombed villages and cities in northern Israel. History of Israel During the subsequent fighting, later known as the Second Lebanon War, more than 4,000 rockets were fired at civilian bases inside Israel.

    The fighting came to an end in August 2006, when UN Security Council Resolution 1701 was issued in southern Lebanon for the unconditional release of two hijacked Israeli soldiers and the deployment of the UN Interim Force in the Lebanese - UNIFIL - and Lebanese Armed Forces. . In addition to banning the supply of arms to Lebanese armed groups.

    2008 (cast lead) Gaza Operation

    Following Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and 4 settlements in the northern West Bank, as well as Hamas coming to power in the 2007 elections, terrorism against Israel increased, as thousands of rockets were fired over southern Israel. The Gaza Strip, damaging property and injuring southern residents, with wounds both physical and psychological, led the nation to a situation with which Israel would be led by a military operation, Operation Cast, which took place on 27 December Began, was forced to execute. 2008 until the end of January 18, 2009.

    The state of Israel - From war to peace

    In 1977, the Knesset elections saw the victory of the Likud Bloc, a coalition of right-wing and center parties, that ended the 30-year Labor regime. Upon assuming power, the new Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, reaffirmed his commitment to the promises of former Israeli Prime Ministers to seek sustainable peace in the region and demanded leaders of Arab countries to come to the negotiating table.

    The late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat visited Jerusalem (November 1977) and the visit was followed by talks between Egypt and Israel under the aegis of the United States. The Camp David Accords (September 1978) included a framework for establishing a comprehensive peace in the Middle East and included a taciturn draft of self-government for the Palestinians.

    On March 26, 1979, Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty in Washington, thus ending the 30-year war between them. Under the terms of the treaty, Israel withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula, and the ceasefire lines and lines of previous ceasefire agreements were replaced by international borders recognized by both sides.

     King Hussein and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (July 1994) stated after three years of negotiations between Jordan and Israel after the Madrid Conference (1991), ending a 46-year war between the two countries. . The Jordan – Israeli peace treaty was signed on October 26, 1994, in the presence of US President Bill Clinton at the Al-Arba crossing (near Elliott in Israel and near Aqaba in Jordan).

    Internal challenges

    History of Israel During the eighties and nineties, Israel included over a million newcomers, most of them from the countries of the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Ethiopia. The influx of such a large number of newcomers constitutes a major customer power. These include large numbers of employees, as well as skilled people and ordinary workers, as well as drastic measures to curb inflation, leading to periods of rapid economic growth. increases.

    After the 1984 Knesset elections, a government consisting of two major political factions was formed: the Labor Party Block (left / center) and the Likud Party Block (right / center). In 1988, after the elections, a government was established under the leadership of Likud. After completing four years in power, in 1992 a coalition government was formed which included the Labor Party and the relatively small leftist parties.

    Following the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on 4 October 1995, fresh elections were held. Benjamin Netanyahu was directly elected from the Likud Party and formed a coalition government led by Likud. And less than three years after that, his government was defeated.

    Every year, the State Histroy Israel celebrates the anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. After his assassination by a Jewish extremist on October 4, 1995, the country was deeply saddened by the departure of a soldier and politician who started his way to the battlefield and then led his people to the path of peace.

    In 1999, Ehud Barak, the head of the "One Israel" (left / center) party, was elected Prime Minister and formed a coalition government. Ehud Barak retired from his post in December 2000. Ariel Sharon, the head of the Likud Party, served as Prime Minister from the beginning of 2001 until suffering a stroke in early 2006. He was followed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the leading "Kadima" party, which initiated the formation of Ariel Sharon. Following the resignation of Ehud Olmert, Benjamin Netanyahu was elected Prime Minister in elections held in February 2009 to form a comprehensive coalition government.

    If seen in History of Israel All Israeli governments have worked hard to reach the desired peace, develop the economy and absorb new people, according to their political principles.

    Today Israel itself attacks terrorism on the new Palestinian being a big and powerful and Palestinian innocent persecute women and men.

    He has a strong desire to occupy Jerusalem and militantly attacks the Palestinians.

    Even the Palestinians do every kind of crime, like curfew in the market, without any mistake, putting Muslim Palestinians in jail and beating them to death. And much more. This was the history of Israel



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    History of Israel full politics and war information
    History of Israel - Complete history and history of war, politics and war since the formation of the nation of Israel
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